Actor Sunny Deol has been accused of cheating and forgery by film producer Sourav Gupta, who claims Deol took over ₹3.55 crore without starting the promised film. Gupta, who owns Sundwan Entertainment Pvt Ltd, approached Deol in 2016 and paid ₹1 crore as a signing amount. Instead of beginning their project, Deol opted to work on “Poster Boys” in 2017.
Gupta alleges Deol continued to delay the film and even forged an agreement to siphon more money. The producer claims Deol altered the agreement to reflect an ₹8 crore signing amount instead of the agreed ₹4 crore, adding ₹2 crore for profit-sharing. Despite efforts to contact Deol’s team and sending legal notices, Gupta has received no response.
“I have lost my hard-earned money to a powerful man. I just want justice and to get back my money,” said Gupta.
Sunny Deol, who is also an MP, has not responded to these allegations. Deol is set to start shooting for the sequel to his 1997 blockbuster “Border” later this year.